Explore Your Path:
A World of Career Possibilities with RWA

Discover the endless opportunities available through the Ready, Willing & Able (RWA) program, where individuals with disabilities can unlock their potential across diverse industries. This video provides a glimpse into all the career pathways offered—Public Service, Education, and Legal; Building, Manufacturing, and Technical Trades; Health, Wellness, and Agriculture; Transport, Logistics, and Defense; Technology, Energy, and Environment; Hospitality and Customer Service; and Business and Entertainment.

Whether you're drawn to shaping public policy, creating cutting-edge technology, fostering wellness, or building the future, this comprehensive overview highlights how RWA connects your unique skills and aspirations with fulfilling roles. Featuring stories of success, inclusive training programs, and supportive environments, RWA opens doors to careers that empower individuals to thrive while making meaningful contributions to their communities.

Interested in exploring specific industries? Click below to discover tailored opportunities in fields like Health, Technology, Business, and more."

Public Service, Education, and Legal

Building, Manufacturing, and Technical Trades

Health, Wellness and Agricultural Transport

Logistics, and Defense Technology

Energy & Environmental

Hospitality and Customer Service

Business & Entertainment

Take the first step toward your future! Fill out this application form to explore apprenticeship opportunities in California through the Ready, Willing & Able (RWA) program.