Guides and Toolkits

Ready, Willing & Able is perfectly positioned to provide you with technical assistance whether you are considering employing an apprentice, or implementing an apprenticeship program. Ready, Willing & Able can guide you in building an effective hiring pool of candidates on a path to employment.

Ready, Willing and Able - Why it Pays to Hire People with Disabilities


  • Including people with disabilities in the US workforce

  • Rethinking recruitment, retention and rewardsfor a more inclusive workplace

  • How apprenticeship can help young people with disabilities enter the workforce

  • How government can support employment opportunities for people with disabilities

  • How to make your workplace more inclusive

Mentoring and Retention Tips


  • The essential elements of successful apprentice mentoring

  • The role of a workplace mentor

  • How workplace mentors can improve organizational outcomes

  • The broad strokes of creating an effective a customized mentoring program

  • Tips on creating a personalized mentoring plan for each apprentice

What an Apprentice Can Do for Your Company


  • What can an apprentice do for your company?

  • What are the benefits of an apprentice in your company?

  • How can I get start an apprentice in my company?

Employer Benefits Roles & Responsibilities


  • Benefits for employers

  • Employer’s responsibilities

  • On-the-job training

  • Related classroom instruction

  • Operating an apprenticeship program

Steps To Developing an Apprenticeship Program


  • Identify occupational needs

  • Identify talent pool

  • Partnering with a Local Education Agency (LEA)

  • Developing Program Standards

It’s Time - Using Modern Apprenticeship to Reskill America


  • The skills shortage

  • Breaking out of the hiring comfort zone: breaking out

  • Future-proofing with modern apprenticeship: your bottom line

  • The nuts and bolts of a modern apprenticeship program: getting started