Guides and Toolkits
Ready, Willing & Able is perfectly positioned to provide you with technical assistance whether you are considering employing an apprentice, or implementing an apprenticeship program. Ready, Willing & Able can guide you in building an effective hiring pool of candidates on a path to employment.
Ready, Willing and Able - Why it Pays to Hire People with Disabilities
Including people with disabilities in the US workforce
Rethinking recruitment, retention and rewardsfor a more inclusive workplace
How apprenticeship can help young people with disabilities enter the workforce
How government can support employment opportunities for people with disabilities
How to make your workplace more inclusive
Mentoring and Retention Tips
The essential elements of successful apprentice mentoring
The role of a workplace mentor
How workplace mentors can improve organizational outcomes
The broad strokes of creating an effective a customized mentoring program
Tips on creating a personalized mentoring plan for each apprentice
What an Apprentice Can Do for Your Company
What can an apprentice do for your company?
What are the benefits of an apprentice in your company?
How can I get start an apprentice in my company?
Employer Benefits Roles & Responsibilities
Benefits for employers
Employer’s responsibilities
On-the-job training
Related classroom instruction
Operating an apprenticeship program
Steps To Developing an Apprenticeship Program
Identify occupational needs
Identify talent pool
Partnering with a Local Education Agency (LEA)
Developing Program Standards
It’s Time - Using Modern Apprenticeship to Reskill America
The skills shortage
Breaking out of the hiring comfort zone: breaking out
Future-proofing with modern apprenticeship: your bottom line
The nuts and bolts of a modern apprenticeship program: getting started