Anaheim Apprenticeship Fair Highlights Opportunities for Californians with Disabilities

On November 10, 2022 over 200 individuals attended the Apprenticeship Fair in Anaheim hosted by the California Department of Rehabilitation and the Ready, Willing, and ABLE project.

The fair was designed to showcase apprenticeships that are available in a wide range of occupations and to raise awareness of growing opportunities throughout the state.

The program featured guest presenters Mark Erlichman, Deputy Director of Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Division and Nicholas Wyman, CEO of the Institute of Workplace Skills and Innovation. Participants engaged directly with a total of 28 participating employers attending the event, including companies such as Disney, the Orange County Conservation Corp, CVS, Futuro Health, and Ipply Global.

The Ready, Willing and ABLE project represents a new approach to creating long-term employment opportunities for Californians with disabilities, leveraging the unique features of the registered apprenticeship model, to enable individuals to prepare for, start and successfully maintain meaningful employment. The program, which launched in May 2022, is a two-year pilot, supporting 100 Californians to start employment as apprentices.

The hosts recognized individuals in attendance and participating in the Ready, Willing and ABLE project as apprentices, including:  

Derrick Phoun - Dispensing Optician

Ethan Barrera -  Dispensing Optician

James Kahiga -   Dispensing Optician

Connie Cardona - Massage Therapist

Naomi Provencio - Dispensing Optician

The hosts also celebrated participating businesses serving as sponsors of apprenticeship including:

Tami Hutchins-Nunez - Manager Workforce Initiatives, CVS

Amita Garg - Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Career College

M. Ruby Garcia - Executive Officer, California State Society of Opticians

And welcomed new partner, Joy Hermsen - Director of Innovative Partnerships, Futuro Health.

Hiring an apprentice is a productive and effective way to grow talent and develop a motivated and skilled workforce. Each dollar spent on an apprenticeship returns $1.47 in increased productivity and innovations. Interested businesses and individuals are encouraged to learn more about the Ready, Willing & ABLE project here at:


‘The Solution to Opticianry Shortages is Hiding in Plain Sight’ - Invision


‘Including people with disabilities in the workplace: How employers can do more’ -