‘Department of Rehabilitation launches new apprenticeship program’ - KCRA.com
The Department Of Rehabilitation is launching a new apprenticeship program aimed at creating long-term employment for them.
It’s called Ready, Willing And Able and joining us now to talk more about it is Mark Erlichman with the Department of Rehabilitation.
Deidre: It is a great way to have a career. What was the reason behind it and what was the impact you are hoping to make?
Mark: The labor force participation rate of 23.1% compared a 67.5% Labor force participation rate for those without disabilities is unacceptably low .We target the health sector because of the high demand.
Brandi: Talk about how someone can qualify and what the program allows them to do.
Anyone with a disability that is interested in returning to work or advancing in employment can contact the offices and apply for services or someone who is already receiving services, they can talk to the counselor. We are happy to connect them with this pilot and hopefully set up a apprenticeship with businesses in the area that are interested in bringing on apprentices.
Deidre: You launched in Southern California. What have you seen since it lunched?
Mark: We have seen a lot of interest. We have been enrolling business aesnd participants. We are setting up now the training program because with a registered apprenticeship program there is a training partnership. We are working with training providers to set up training so while they’re learning, they are receiving the training they need to enter and maintain employment and get a sustainable wage.
Deidre: And businesses reach out to you to become to a part of this. Can businesses reach out to you to become a part of this?
Mark: We want to identify their labor needs and pipeline in turn. We can provide pre/free training and help support paid interns if they are not quite ready to bring on an apprentice but really recently, from small businesses, we put out a request for interest to support those with disabilities. It allows small business to get funding for support staff or providing of resources.
Brandi: Thank you so much for joining us this morning and we know a lot of people with disabilities and businesses are interested and hopefully will participate.
Mark: Thank you for your interest and if anyone has questions, they can send an email to us. We will be happy to respond to the business or anyone interested.
Anyone interested in the program can email workforce.development@dor.ca.gov or visit their website.